Responsive content, adaptive images
Beans looks beautiful on all devices. Not only does the content resize appropriately, Beans also creates, caches and serves images best suited to the device your website is viewed on.
“Your websites shouldn’t just work on mobile devices, it should be a piece of art you are proud of.”
SEO friendly
Search engines love sites that are lightweight, coded semantically and fast loading. Sites built with Beans won’t be lonely on page 50’s of Googles search results. Write good content and let Beans take your website to the first page on google.
“Having the best website on the market doesn’t help much if nobody see it, right?”
Built with the ultimate front-end library
UIkit is the best front-end framework on the market, at least in our opinion. We've streamlined it even more by letting you only load the components you need on a per page basis. By doing so, your pages are kept light-weight and load within the blink of an eye.
“Only load what is needed on a per page basis. A dream come true!”
Impressive speed
Search engines like fast, users like fast, you like fast and guess what, we like fast too. Beans is built with speed in mind. Every line of code is optimized to its maximum and all parts of the theme are only loaded when needed. Moreover, assets are combined into one file which is minified and cached on a per page basis if need be.
“It doesn’t get better than that.”Here is what makes Beans even better
We like to describe Beans as an acquired taste. The more you use it, the better it becomes.
WordPress minded
WordPress is Beans roles model. Just like WordPress, Beans is free, Open Source, intelligently coded and very well documented. Anybody who is accustom to WordPress will feel at home when using Beans.
Stable updates
Everybody loves one click updates! We love it too, but more importantly, we love when things don’t go wrong. Making sure that your websites don’t break is one of our top priorities.
Top notch documentation
Whether you're just getting started or want to take advantage of the powerful Beans API, you will find your answers in the documentation. Moreover, we frequently add and improve Beans documentation based on users feedback.
Latest technologies
LESS, CSS3, HTML5 and jQuery are no strangers to Beans theme. In fact, these technologies are what makes Beans. We use the most advanced technologies without compromising on stability.
Plugins friendly
Since Beans theme follows WordPress standards to the letter, all well coded plugins will work smoothly. Choose your plugins wisely as Beans loves to be surounded by well roasted friends.
Flexible and extendable
Beans theme is built with flexibility and extendibility in mind. Every element on the page can be moved, modified or removed. If you are a pro, the powerful API will blow you away.